Friday, December 24, 2010

International Hospital for Children Auction

Below are excerpts from International Hospital for Children's 2010 Treasures in Paradise Auction, which is the largest fundraising event of the year for the organization. Vacation properties in the countries of children helped by IHC are donated and auctioned off to members in the community. During my internship, I researched many properties and gathered photos to be used in the brochure as well as wrote descriptions for many of the properties, in addition to editing other text. Newsletters and blog entries that I wrote for IHC will be added in the near future.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Burton, Sir Christopher Hatton & Devant 2011 Catalog

Below is the 2011 Catalog for the brands Burton, Sir Christopher Hatton & Devant. I wrote all text in the Burton section, as well as the introductions in the Sir Christopher Hatton & Devant sections. I also edited and inserted lines here and there throughout the Sir Christopher Hatton & Devant sections.Below is the 2011 Catalog for the brands Burton, Sir Christopher Hatton & Devant. I wrote all text in the Burton section, as well as the introductions in the Sir Christopher Hatton & Devant sections. I also edited and inserted lines here and there throughout the Sir Christopher Hatton & Devant sections.

International Hospital for Children Twitter

Below is the Twitter site that I created for the International Hospital for Children in Richmond, VA. Originally, the site had a standard twitter background, reflecting poorly on the emotional ties behind the mission of the non-profit organization.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Burton 2011 Catalog Intro

Below is the introduction that I wrote for the 2011 Burton Golf Catalog. Dynamic Brands purchased the Burton brand in the early 2000's, and 2011 was the first year the brand was reintroduced. As part of my job, I had to conduct brand research using many old catalogs dating back to the '70's, as well as external sources in order to make sure that a consistent brand image was maintained. The full catalog, in which I wrote all text, will be posted soon.

Resume and Information

Attached is my resume', including academic and professional experience as well as activities and honors.

Dynamic Brands Statement Stuffers & Golf Digest Ads

Below are two statement stuffers that I  wrote and designed for BagBoy while working with Dynamic Brands in Richmond, VA that were sent in the months of July and August to all clients. 

Pictured below are two advertisements that I designed and wrote for the reintroduction of the Burton brand. These ads were featured in Golf Digest Magazine.